
Walk with a Doc

04/01/2017 9:00am

Our APRIL Walk With A Doc is with Dr. Parent from the St. Helena Hospital.

The theme for our April walk will focus on general Health, Wellness and Weight Management. Dr. Parent has an extensive background in surgical education research, and with 24 years of diabetes experience, Dr. Parent has a strong passion for metabolic and bariatric surgery.

Walk With A Doc on the Napa Valley Vine Trail will meet at the Hartle Court Vine Trail Shelter, north of the Napa Century Theater near the Napa County Animal Shelter.

The walk will proceed from the Hartle Court Shelter to the end of the Cul-de-Sac which leads to the Vine Trail pathway. The goal is to walk to Kennedy Park and back on the Vine Trail (~2.6 total miles round trip). There will be a Vine Trail tent and table set up near the Hartle Court Shelter.

Event participants will be asked to sign a liability waiver before starting on the walk.

Please visit our Facebook page or  click here to RSVP.

For more information please visit: http://walkwithadoc.org/our-locations/napa-valley-california